Thursday, August 13, 2009


I have found that some folks' goal in life is to make things as difficult for others as possible. Take for instance.......Nursing School. When I received the readmit letter, there were (as usual) some hoops I had to jump through to come back. Nothing major, mind you, but some of the things I had to go through were....should I say....unnecessary. Another TB test is something that I did not agree with, however. Having tested positive for a latent TB infection in April for the WHHR job, I figured that I would have to see my PCP and have her simply sign off on it. Well, there was no chance of that happening. She insisted on me having another PPD test (although once one tests positive, that is highly discouraged), and seemed to take offense to my disagreement with this. So, after holding my readmit paperwork hostage for a few hours, I was given them back with the admonition that I HAD to re-take the PPD test. (as recommended by the Allegheny County Health office) Now I'm still not sure why Allegheny County was involved, since I don't;
1. live there
2. go to a doctor there.
3. generally have anything to do with the place.

So, I offered up another solution, seeing a Pulmonologist, which the nurse who admonished me (Dr was apparently too busy to talk) seemed surprised by, but said was OK. I made an appointment with a doctor Crys was familiar with, and he was everything my PCP wasn't. he prescribed the meds I would need, gave me all the info I wanted, and I walked out of there feeling much better about the whole situation.

Now, I gotta go get dressed & take what paperwork I have up to the school, and make sure there is nothing left for me to do (or hoops to jump through).

We'll see......
