Friday, March 20, 2009

Just in case....

Now, don't get me wrong, I expect to graduate from school, pass NCLEX and become a nurse. But, I have been around the block enough times to know that sometimes things happen that are not in one's control. So, as a backup, I decided to be certified as a CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant). As with most other aspects of healthcare, you have to learn to jump through hoops to do anything. Such as getting the American Red Cross chapter in Harrisburg to not only accept my application to take the test, but to accept payment as well. It seems that unlike most organizations in this country, they do not accept personal checks. So, it took 4 tries to finally get my exam date, which is April Fool's Day. (I wonder what exactly to think of that) And I will have to count on being downtown for most of the day, which will cost at least $15 for parking. The test itself should be no big deal, since I learned all of that in 1st year of nursing school, and did that for HVHS for 6 months. Now, I wonder if this will all be worth it.
We'll see.......


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